Refereed Conference Presentations

  • Brimhall, K. C., Lizano, E. L., & Mor Barak, M. E. (submitted to SSWR 2014 and manuscript in preparation). The mediating role of inclusion in the context of organizational diversity: A longitudinal study of leader­member exchange and diversity climate on job satisfaction and intention to leave among child welfare workers.
  • Guerrero, G. E & Kim, A. Examining the role of leadership capacity in the implementation of organizational cross­cultural competence. Paper presented at the International Association of Cross­Cultural Competence and Management, Naples, Italy, June 22, 2012.
  • Guerrero, G. E., Vega, W., Campos, M., Kim, A., Kim, T., Implementation and Impact of Organizational Cultural Competence in Substance Abuse Treatment for Latinos. Symposium(Chair and Presenter), National Hispanic Science Network, San Diego, CA, September 27, 2012.
  • Guerrero, G. E., Packard, T. Kim, A., He, A. Shared Leadership and Leveraging their Competence to Implement Evidence­based Practices. Round Table (Convener and Presenter). Society for Social Work and Research Conference, San Diego, CA, January 18, 2013.
  • Hsiao, H. Y., Lizano, E. L., Mor Barak, M. E. (January, 2013). Latent Difference Score Approach to Longitudinal Work­Family Conflict and Mental Health Research on Child Welfare Workers. Paper to be presented at 2013 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Diego, CA.
  • Kim, A. Does emotion matter in social service organizations?: Roles of emotions and implications for managers. Paper was presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofits and Voluntary Action, Alexandria, VA in November 2010.
  • Kim, A., & Mor Barak, M. E. A longitudinal analysis of turnover intention in child
    welfare. Paper was presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Washington, DC in November 2012.

  • Kim, A., & Mor Barak, M. E. How similarity works? The relationships between similarity of supervisor­subordinate dyads, leader­member exchange and job satisfaction in child welfare organizations. Paper was presented at the Society for Social Work Research, San Diego, CA in January 2013.
  • Lizano, E. L., Kim, A., & Mor Barak, M. E. What can social work do for multinational corporations? Implementing a multidisciplinary intervention in a multinational garment manufacturing plant in Mexico. Paper was presented at the International Social Work Conference, Los Angeles, CA in Mar 2011.
  • Mor Barak, M. E., Kim, A., & Lizano, E. L. Protective and risk factors as predictors of organizational commitment among social workers in public child welfare. Poster was presented at the Society for Social Work Research, San Francisco, CA in January 2010.
  • Mor Barak, M. E., Lizano, E. L., & Kim, A. Improving workplace conditions for Mexican workers in a transnational garment sweatshop: Cross­cultual and Lean innovation training as interventions. Paper was presented at the Society for Social Work Research, Tampa, FL in January 2011.