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- Practicing policy, pursuing change, and promoting social justice: A policy instructional approach
- Organizational implementation of evidencebased substance abuse treatment in racial and ethnic minority communities
- Examination of treatment episodes among women and Racial/Ethnic minorities in substance abuse treatment
- Disparities in Latino substance use, service utilization and treatment outcomes: Implications for implementation of culturallyinformed and evidence based interventions under health care reform
- Job-related Stress, Social Support, and Work–Family Conflict among Mexican Workers: A Case Study of a Former “Sweatshop” in Mexico
- Workplace demands and resources as antecedents of job burnout among public child welfare workers: A longitudinal study
- Green, A.E., Miller, E., & Aarons, G.A. (2013). Transformational Leadership Moderates the Relationship between Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover Intention among Community Mental Health Providers. Community Mental Health Journal. Online first, DOI 10.1007/s1059701194630.
- Guerrero, G. E., Khachikian, T†., Kim, T., Kong, Y†., Vega, W. A. (in press) Spanish language proficiency among providers and Latino clients’ engagement in substance abuse treatment. Addictive Behaviors
- Guerrero, G. E. & Kim, A†. (in press)*. Organizational Structure, Leadership, and Readiness for Change and the Implementation of Organizational Cultural Competence in Addiction Health Services. Evaluation and Program Planning, doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2013.05.002
- Guerrero G. E. (in press)*. Enhancing Access and Retention in Substance Abuse Treatment: The Role of Medicaid Payment Acceptance and Cultural Competence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
- Guerrero, G. E., Henwood, B., Wenzel, S. (in press). Service Integration to Reduce Homelessness in Los Angeles County: Multiple Stakeholders Perspective. Administration in Social Work.
- Guerrero G., E., Pan, K., Curtis, A., & Lizano, L. E. (2011). Availability of substance abuse treatment in Spanish: A GIS analysis of Latino communities in Los Angeles County, California. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 6; 21. doi: 10.1186/1747597X621