Management Research


Picture of cover of Managing Diversity textbook


Successful management of today’s increasingly diverse workforce is among the most important global challenges faced by corporate leaders, human resource managers, and management consultants. In the third edition of the award-winning book, Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace, Michàlle E. Mor Barak argues that exclusion is among the most critical and pressing problems faced by today’s heterogeneous workforce. Using an original model for creating a globally inclusive workplace coupled with engaging real-world case studies, she outlines unique strategies for unleashing the embedded potential in a multicultural and diverse global workforce.  The book won critical acclaim and received the Academy of Management’s Best Book Award for “the most significant contribution to management knowledge”.

Click here to purchase your copy of MANAGING DIVERSITY!




Macro Practice Book Cover

0-911541-94-2 978-0-911541-94-6

Evidence Based Macro Practice in Social Work (2014) critically challenges readers to delve into the scientific base of community organization, planning and management practices. Numerous case studies taken from actual experiences are highlighted in all chapters. In addition, wherever possible, we provide practical tools, techniques and evidence-based approaches that students will be able to use in their professional work. Using communities and organizations as the context for exploring ideas, instructors and students should gain an appreciation of the complex forces under which they will be operating, acquiring specific tools to help them function better and developing insights about interactions between staff and agencies and the larger systems that affect the social work field. Brief summaries are provided to stimulate class discussion, as well as a list of questions and possible assignments at the end of each chapter. Depending on the preference of the instructor, students may use the questions as a springboard for classroom discussion or as a basis for written assignments.

To order your copy, please download the Evidence Based Macro Practice ORDER FORM and send it to